90 Minutes At A Time presently holds in excess of 50 contributors, having been initially founded as a solo blog back in May 2017.
We are a team spread throughout the world with a love for Premier League football, aiming to offer rounded, comprehensive coverage from all 20 top-flight teams.
We are always looking for new contributors who are keen to join our set-up as we aim to establish the site, with notable achievements in the last 18 months including making the shortlist at the Football Blogging Awards for Best New Football Blog, entering an affiliate marketing deal with PUMA and being accepted to the NewsNow Publishers Network.
By joining the 90MAAT team, you are working with a group of ambitious writers who have spent over three years collectively working to fulfil our vision for the site.
If the above sounds of interest and you want to join a team of 50+ football writers, then please get in touch at: enquiriesat90maat@outlook.com or reach out via the form below, we would love to hear from you.
For commercial enquiries, please contact: advertise@snack-media.com
Tom Newman
Editor: 90 Minutes At A Time